Youth Engagement Grants

Grants are a part of our commitment to empowering young people to advocate and engage with government. It’s a key priority of Engage!. 

We do this by presenting grants to organisations that work with young people to build their leadership skills.

On this page:

First Nations Youth Engagement Grant

The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) in partnership with National Indigenous Youth Education Coalition (NIYEC) are the recipients of the First Nations Youth Engagement Grant.

The grant will help FYA and NIYEC to develop and deliver a pilot Indigenous student voice and agency model that connects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people to share their learning experiences and build leadership skills.

Rural, Regional and Remote Grant

The Rural, Regional and Remote Youth Engagement Grant will help ABC Heywire to deliver the annual Heywire Summit and competition and other activities including ABC Takeover.

The Heywire competition gives young people living in regional, rural and remote Australia the opportunity to share their lived-experiences with a national audience through the ABC network.

The Heywire Summit brings the competition winners together at Parliament House, Canberra for a week of leadership and development opportunities.