University and TAFE

Here you will find information about university and TAFE and where to go to learn more.

What is tertiary education?

Tertiary education is study you do after high school. It includes:

Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships

Choosing a course

Know you want to study but don’t know what or where?

Compare your options on the Course Seeker website.

It doesn’t have every option, but it can be a useful tool to get a feel for what’s out there.

You might like to hear from current students and recent graduates to help you decide.

You can do this on the ComparED website

Getting into university or TAFE

If you know where you want to study and which course you want to do, it’s time to apply!

You can do this:

Still have questions? You can ask the university or TAFE directly.

Paying for university or TAFE

Studying at a university or TAFE comes with costs. These include:

  • accommodation
  • course fees
  • buying textbooks and materials.

You might be eligible for financial support, including:

  • government subsidised enrolments called Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs)
  • government HELP student loans (formally known as HECS)
  • Scholarships and income support (like Austudy and ABSTUDY).

Check the StudyAssist website to find support

FEE-FREE Uni Ready courses

Thinking about university, but not sure you’re ready? You may be eligible for FEE-FREE Uni Ready courses. These courses help you gain the required skills you need for further study.

Find out more

Fee-Free TAFE

Leaving school, looking for work or wanting to upskill or retrain?

There are hundreds of Fee-Free TAFE courses available in areas with skill shortages or growth areas such as:

  • clean energy
  • care and support (including aged care, health care and disability care)
  • construction
  • technology and digital
  • early childhood education and care.

Visit the Fee-Free TAFE page on the Your Career website to find out more about courses, eligibility, and where to enrol.

Your Career


A scholarship is a payment given to you to help you cover the cost of courses and living costs.

Some are merit-based. These are given to students based on their academic achievement.

Other scholarships are needs based. These are given to students who have faced personal or academic challenges.

There are also scholarships for students who:

  • come from diverse backgrounds
  • have a disability
  • come from a regional, rural or remote area of Australia.

To find a scholarship, you can search online or check university and TAFE websites.