Healthy relationships and consent

Here you will find information about healthy relationships and consent. We also have information to help if you or someone you know needs support.

CONTENT NOTE: This page has information about sexual consent, healthy relationships, family, domestic and sexual violence.

If you, or someone else, is in immediate danger please contact 000.

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Healthy relationships

A healthy relationship makes you feel safe and happy. This includes relationships with:

  • romantic partners
  • ex-partners
  • carers or support workers
  • parents, guardians and other family members
  • people you work with or go to school with
  • teachers, coaches and other mentors in your life.

Healthy relationships have:

  • respect
  • trust
  • good communication
  • understanding
  • honesty.

Learn how to build healthy relationships and spot red flags in unhealthy ones on the Health Direct website.

Sexual consent

Sexual consent is a free, voluntary and informed agreement between people to participate in a sexual act. Each person must genuinely feel they want to engage in that sexual act.

Sexual consent relates to all sexual activities, including:

  • touching someone in a sexual way
  • sexual intercourse
  • sharing sexual images
  • online sexual activities.

Consent is a legal requirement. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a relationship or not, there must still be consent.

Find out about the law in your state or territory on the Youth Law Australia website.

There are the 5 core concepts of consent:

If you want to learn more about consent, there are lots of great resources available.

Getting help

If you, or someone else, is in immediate danger, call 000.

Remember you are not alone. If you:

  • need help with your relationship
  • need help with abuse or sexual assault
  • are worried about yourself or someone you know

You can access one of these services for support and information: