Consultation Privacy Statement

Personal information

This privacy statement explains how the Office for Youth, which is part of the Australian Government Department of Education (department), will collect and use your personal information.

Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable. Sensitive information is a subset of personal information, which includes information or an opinion about your health. We need your consent to collect your sensitive information. You do not have to consent to the collection of your sensitive information. If you do consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time.

Your personal information is protected by law, including under the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act).

Collection of your information

Your personal information may be collected by Humanitix Limited (ABN 32 618 780 439) which is an event ticketing organisation and charity in Australia. Humanitix shares this information with the department as the organiser of the National Youth Consultation events.

Purpose of collecting your information

Your personal information is collected for the purposes of registering your attendance at events, providing updates about the National Youth Consultations, the Youth Engagement Strategy, the Australian Government Office for Youth, and related purposes.

If you do not provide some or all of the personal information requested, then you may still be able to attend National Youth Consultation events, but we may not be able to register your attendance and provide you with updates.

Disclosure of your personal information

The department does not intend to disclose your personal information to any third parties. However, the department may do so if you agree or if the disclosure is otherwise permitted under the Privacy Act. Your personal information is unlikely to be disclosed to overseas recipients.

Privacy Policy

You can access the department’s Privacy Policy, which includes information about how to make a complaint and how to access and correct your personal information, at Privacy statement or by requesting a copy from the department at

To contact the department about your personal information email


By registering to attend an event as part of the National Youth Consultations you acknowledge that you:

  • have read and understood this privacy statement and agree to the department’s collection of your personal information (including any sensitive information) in accordance with this privacy statement, and
  • are at least 15 years old or have permission from your parent/guardian to provide your personal information and sign up for National Youth Consultation events.