The world of work is full of exciting opportunities. Get started here!
Preparing to apply for a job
There are a few things you’ll need before you apply for a job.
- A tax file number (TFN)
- A superannuation account
- A bank account.
You will also need to think about how many hours you’re available to work.
Casual work means you aren’t guaranteed ongoing work. You’ll get a casual loading or specific casual pay rate for the hours you work.
An example of a casual job is when you work on a weekend every now and then.
Learn more about casual employees on the Fair Work Ombudsman websitePart-time work is when you work regular hours every week, but you work on average less than 38 hours per week.
If you work 9 am to 5 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday every week, then you could be part-time.
Full time work is when you work an average 38 hours every week, plus reasonable additional hours.
For example, 9 am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday.
Finding a job
There are lots of ways that you can find a job.
When an employer is hiring, they will often advertise the job online. You can search for jobs on:
- the Workforce Australia website
- online job platforms
- industry-specific job websites
- recruitment agency websites.
Think about the kind of work you’d like and try contacting employers to find out:
- how that industry recruits
- what kind of staff they are looking for
- what skills and experience you might need.
Networking is when you use your personal or professional relationships to find work.
For tips on how to network visit the Job Jumpstart website.You may be interested in creating your own job. You could turn a hobby or interest into a job.
For more information on finding a job head to the Job Jumpstart website.Writing a resume
You need to write a resume before you apply for a job.
A resume has information about you, your skills and your experience. It helps an employer decide if you’re the right fit for the job.
A great resume can help improve your chances of getting a job. Make sure your resume:
- is easy to read and no more than 2 pages
- is customised to match the job
- doesn’t have spelling or grammatical errors.
For some jobs, you might have to send a cover letter with your resume.
A cover letter should include more information about you and why you think you’re right for the job.
You can learn more about writing a resume and cover letter on the Job Jumpstart website.
Applying for jobs
There are many ways to apply for jobs.
You can:
- apply in person
- apply through an online jobs board or company website
- use online professional networking tools like LinkedIn
- apply through a recruitment agency.
It’s important to do your research about what an employer is looking for. Then you’ll know what information to include in your resume and cover letter.
This gives you the best chance of getting a job.
Learn more on the Workforce Australia website.
Interviewing for a job
A job interview is when the employer asks you some questions about yourself and your experience to see if you’re the right fit for a job.
Everyone finds job interviews a bit stressful, so feeling nervous is totally normal!
The best way to feel more confident is to make sure you prepare.
Start by heading to the Job Jumpstart website.
They have articles about:
- how to prepare for interviews
- how to make a great first impression
- common interview questions.
More information and support
If you need some help with getting a job, there are some great resources online.
Job Jumpstart has resources and activities to help you get a job.
There is information for everyone on the Job Jumpstart website.Workforce Australia can provide you with:
- resources and tools to support you in your job search
- coaching and services
You may be eligible for a Workforce Australia program like Transition to Work. Participants get help with:
- growing their skills
- finding local jobs
- writing resumes and preparing for interviews
- connecting with community services
JobAccess helps people with disability
- find and keep jobs
- get promoted to better jobs
- expand their workplace skills … and more!
The Community Development Program (CDP) supports people looking for work in remote Australia. It can help you build skills, access employment, and find local training.
The National Indigenous Australian’s Agency has more information on the CPD.The Parent Pathways service can help eligible parents with their work and study goals. You can find:
- local mentors
- financial help
- support to access training or employment.