Engage! strategy

We are making sure young people are empowered, valued, and can contribute to government decision-making. In March 2024 we launched Engage! A strategy to include young people in the decisions made by government (Engage!). Learn more about Engage! here.

The strategy at a glance

Engage! is the Australian Government’s vision to ensure all young people across the country can have a say on issues that impact them.

The strategy sets out 3 priority areas for youth engagement with government:

  1. We will recognise and listen to young people.
  2. We will empower young people to advocate and engage with government.
  3. We will support government to work with young people.

The strategy recognises the diverse experiences of young people. It also values the traditional knowledge, cultures, and ways of being of First Nations young people and their connection to Country.

The strategy includes 9 measures to help us track our progress each year. This will also allow us to feedback to young people how we are going at achieving our goal.

What we heard

We reached out to young people from across Australia. In the end we heard from over 4,600 young people with diverse backgrounds and lived experience.

Young people told us about the issues that matter to them, and how they want to work with government. We heard that young people want:

  • to be included in government decision-making
  • the government to value their views
  • to engage with government in lots of different ways
  • the government to share information that is easy to access and understand.

What we will do

Engage! will make sure young people are empowered, valued, and can contribute to government decision-making.

To make sure this happens, we’re going to follow these actions: