Staying on top of your finances and money can be tough. Here you will find information that can help you budget and save or find support if you are struggling.
Getting a bank account
A bank account is a safe place to keep your money. Everyone needs a bank account. You need a bank account if you want a job, to travel. to rent a house or buy things online.
There are different types of bank accounts. For example, an ‘everyday’ account is for things that you pay for every day, like food and transport. You use a ‘savings’ account for money you want to keep for something in the future, like a house.
There are also lots of different banks to choose from too.
To find out more about bank accounts you check out ASIC’s Moneysmart website.
Budgeting and saving
Following a budget can be a great way to manage your money and save.
A budget is a plan to help you achieve your money goals. Your budget could be weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
It can help you:
- work out what matters to you
- spend less
- save for things you need.
You can find more information about how to do a budget on the Moneysmart website.
Use the Moneysmart budget planner to help work out where your money is going.
Help with finances and money
If you need help with money, it is important to know you are not alone.
There are lots of people and services that can support you. There is lots of information in the income support section.
"Understanding life skills, from financial management to taxes, is key to independence. Government support ensures young people are prepared to make informed decisions, securing their futures and strengthening our society."
Chris from Queensland