Guide 4 mini guide: youth-skills development
The skills to work and engage with young people need to be developed. This mini guide will help you as you learn.
Guide 5 mini guide: How to support young people to take part in a panel
Young people need support when they undertake activities like being on a panel. This guide has information to help you provide that support.
Guide 4: Building skills for impact
This guide will help you support young people and government officials to get involved in the policy process.
Guide 5: Ways to engage young people
When it comes time to design and plan your engagement, this guide has all the information to help you.
Guide 7: Celebrating contributions and closing the feedback loop
Once your engagement has finished, it’s important to recognise and celebrate the young people’s contribution to your activity.
Guide 8: Tracking impact and outcomes
This guide will help you track outcomes from your engagement and reflect and plan for future ones.
Mini guide 3: Define your scope
It’s important to understand what you’re trying to achieve and define your scope. This tool will help you.
Mini guide 3: Elevator pitch
You’ll need a good elevator pitch for your engagement activities. This tool will help you define yours.
Mini guide 3: identifying roles and building your team
Youth engagement works best when everyone knows what their roles are. This mini guide will help you build your team and assign roles.
Mini guide 3: Parental engagement checklist
Parents need to be kept informed during any kind of youth engagement. Use this checklist to ensure proper parental engagement.
Mini guide 3: recruiting young people
Youth engagement can’t happen without young people! Use this mini guide to help you find and recruit the right young people for your engagement activity.
Mini guide 3: Who is in your circle
Understand and identify the people you need to help you manage your youth engagement.
Mini guide 3: Young engagement opportunity template
Use this tool to help you identify the right opportunities for engaging with young people.
Mini guide 4: Speak to us in a way that makes sense – 15 communication tips from a young person
Young people have different communication needs and styles. This mini guide has tips from a young person about how you should speak to them.
Mini guide 4: Youth skills development
The skills to work and engage with young people need to be developed. This mini guide will help you as you learn.
Mini guide 5: building relationships and trust
Trust is important when it comes to working with young people. Use this mini guide to help you learn how to build relationships with young people.
Mini guide 5: Methods in action – case studies
Read case studies from successful youth engagement activities to help you decide which methods to bring into yours.