
We are making sure young Australians are empowered, valued and included in government decision-making. 

Engage! A strategy to include young people in the decisions we make is a new vision for how government can work with young people.


The strategy sets out three priority areas for youth engagement with government: 

  1. We will recognise and listen to young people. 
  2. We will empower young people to advocate and engage with government. 
  3. We will support government to work with young people. 

The strategy also includes 9 measurements for progress which we will report on every year.

To develop the strategy, we engaged with over 4,600 young people across the country, consulting with them about the issues that matter to them, and how they want to hear from and work with government. 

The strategy recognises the diverse experiences for young people and values the traditional knowledge, cultures, and ways of being of First Nations young people and their connection to Country.

Read Engage! 

Strategy at a glance

What we heard

In 2023 we engaged with over 4,600 young people to ask how they would like to be involved in government decision-making.

In our consultations we heard that young people:

  • want the government to value their views, and to be included in decisions
  • want to engage with government in lots of different ways
  • would like the government to share information that is easy to access and understand.

What we will do

Engage! sets out the Australian Government’s vision that young people are empowered, valued, and contribute to government decision-making.

The strategy includes 3 priorities and the actions we will take to ensure we listen, empower and work with young people:

  • collaborating with young people through the National Youth Forum, Youth Steering Committee and Youth Advisory Groups
  • recognising young people through an annual National Youth Week and the Young Australian of the Year Awards
  • connecting with young people through a new digital youth hub and social media
  • empowering young people with grants to advocate and build leadership skills
  • listening to young people through an annual National Youth Survey
  • building government capacity to include young people in policies. 

Get involved

Find out about upcoming opportunities to engage with us by connecting with the Office for Youth.

Learn more about how we will include young people in the decisions we make – read Engage! A strategy to include young people in the decisions we make.